In the film Babel a tragic accident in Morocco involving a vacationing American couple played by Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett causes a chain of events in Japan and Mexico. Gael Garcia Bernal plays the rebellious brother of Pitt and Blanchett’s Mexican nanny who drives intoxicated across the United States-Mexican border with his sister’s American charges in the back seat. Gael, who was born in Guadalajara talks about the ongoing problems with illegal immigration that may never be resolved. |
Gael says the border problem is particularly prevalent between the United States and Mexico but coming up with a solution that benefits both sides is difficult. |
“It is a sad moment we are living right now because so many people are dying crossing this border. The world-wide economics do not sustain a responsible economy that makes people stay in their own countries. The world-wide economics ask for people to have free transit, to go to other places to work because that’s the demand and there’s a lot of work offered. There is no plan that allows people to keep their human rights.” |
Babel is currently playing in theaters.rn |
“The worst thing they can do is to build a wall I think. That is not a plan because throughout history walls are meant to be destroyed so it’s just feeding more the division and the separation of the people that share the same territory. We’re not guilty of being born where we’re born but we share the same territory you know.” |
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