Starting in the Fall of 2014, Artisan News Service is offering up services for record labels, movie studios, and publicists for their in-house needs. We can offer our expertise to help to publicists, record labels and movie studios by consulting on new media and strategy, development of content packages to aid media publicists and marketers in effectively doing their job, creating online content, and spearheading press conference production.
CONSULTING Press Conference aid – We can assist on advising you what print, radio, TV and other media need as far as your press conference set up — giving them tools to represent your client in the highest quality possible. From advice on P.A. systems, microphones, mult boxes, HD video, audio adapters and converters for widest co-option for digital and analog equipment media outlets use in the field, Artisan News can help make sure you have the proper set up to make your event or artist shine. This is especially important due to the non-standardization in recording formats, and video codecs where one size, one video does not fit all.
MEDIA ASSET ALLOCATION in a new media world – With record companies, publishers, and media outlets butting heads on what is “approved for posting” or “allowed on YouTube” and other online media outlets, we help navigate how to put together packages that won’t anger Record Company online marketing folks, publishing entities, and others who may block or prohibit media outlets from using your supplied photos/EPKs/ and other assets. We help smooth out the edges between what labels, publishers may consider copyright infringement and putting together a kit for tools for you to do your job in getting your artist the widest possible exposure by designing an asset kit and media policy kit that is 99 percent safe for both parties. With experience in the music media industry we can also advise on your music releases in the new media world; getting the most from your “premieres” and not “giving away the farm” when it comes to artist recordings.
EPK, JUNKET, SATELLITE MEDIA TOUR PRODUCTION: We also are offering production services for EPK interviews, movie and music junkets, satellite tours, and publicist or record company-side media coverage.
EPK Interviews: With 22 years of experience of conducting interviews, with ten of those via video, Artisan News can cost-effectively do one stop shopping by conducting an interview your artist for bios, video EPKs, and for your record company, movie studio, or public relations video channels. We do this with the utmost professionalism, and the know-how to get the best video, and just as important, audio from each interview.
Junkets/Satellite Media Tour Production: We can also handle the production part of your video, audio junket or satellite media tour needs, going on-site anywhere from the record label, movie studio office, to the hotel, the venue dressing room, on the set, and even tour busses and handle delivery. We can roll digitally and provide the content to outlets arriving on-site for the interview within minutes via a flash drive or hard drive. We also can handle junkets or SMTs that are conducted via skype, online, or phone taping on our end with broadcast quality video and or audio that will be directly delivered via FTP within hours of the junket finishing.
In House Features and Webisodes can be produced for your digital ventures and channels as well.
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